Online Bookstore
Home / Online Bookstore
Department Information
Trenholm Campus:
1225 Air Base Blvd
Montgomery, Alabama 36108
Patterson Site:
3920 Troy Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36116
Phone: 1-866-753-4544
Phone: 334-420-4200
Trenholm State’s Online Bookstore
The Trenholm State Community College Online Bookstore is Now Open!
Beginning on May 11, 2023 through June 6, 2023, students may purchase their books using financial aid and other third-party resources such as VA Chapter 31, WIOA, and Vocational Rehabilitation.
The bookstore will will reopen for purchases May 19, 2023 through May 30, 2023.
Students awarded Federal Pell grant must have available funds and completion of the Title IV Authorization requirement via MyTrenholm portal to purchase books from the E-campus bookstore.
The Trenholm State Community College Online Bookstore is Now Open!
The bookstore will reopen for purchases September 11, 2023 through December 15, 2023.
Students receiving benefits under Chapter31 Disabled Veterans or WIOA Program are required to submit a assigned book order confirmation no later than October 25, 2023.
How to Purchase Books:
- Click Trenholm State’s Online Bookstore
- Click “Sign In via Your School Account”
- Click Order from the top menu
- Select the semester and then select a department
- Choose the textbooks and the purchase option (new, used, rental, or digital) that you need to purchase.
- Follow the prompts to create a shopping cart and complete your order just like any other online purchase. Be sure that you receive a CONFIRMATION of PURCHASE.
- Your books will be delivered to your home.
Students receiving benefits under Chapter 31 Disabled Veterans or WIOA Program are required to submit a signed book order confirmation no later than June 13, 2023, to Valarie Satterwhite at [email protected] Chapter 31 Students ) or Wanda Campbell at [email protected] (WIOA Students) for invoicing.
Please Note: Students who fail to submit a signed book order confirmation will be responsible for all book charges that were paid by Chapter 31 or WIOA. In addition, students will be responsible for ANY unallowable charges invoiced to Chapter 31 or WIOA, such as, duplicate book purchases, transitional(developmental) book purchases, etc.