Student Organizations
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Department Information
Trenholm Campus:
1225 Air Base Blvd
Montgomery, Alabama 36108
Patterson Site:
3920 Troy Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36116
Phone: 1-866-753-4544
Phone: 334-420-4200

SGA’s goal is to provide student participation in school government, afford training in citizenship and ensures a sincere respect for the vision and mission of Trenholm State Community College.

The Ambassador program’s mission is to cultivate student leaders who share the Trenholm State experience with prospective students, their families, and the greater community.n

The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa shall be to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students.

Our mission is to provide support CIS student development. Provide opportunities that support building foundational expertise. Help give practice for resume building for CIS students.

Trenholm State Community College takes pride in the important and active role of music in the college’s academic programs. TSCC’s music transfer track exemplifies the unity of musicianship and educational practice needed for success in the real world. If you have an interest in our music track, feel free to contact Lewis Webb directly by phone at 334.420.4237 or email [email protected]. Your musical future at Trenholm State Community College will be filled with inspiration and impact!

The purpose of Alpha Beta Gamma is to recognize and encourage scholarship among students enrolled in Business and Professional curricula or any course of study leading to a business-oriented career
Policies & Procedures
Charting Procedures
- Formation of New Organizations
Any group wishing to organize on campus must receive permission from the Dean of Students, the Student Government Association and the President by submitting a written request to them. At the appropriate time, a constitution containing the following must be presented.- The name of the organization;
- a statement of purpose of the organization;
- the membership eligibility requirements;
- a list of chartering students;
- a list of officers by title and any special functions of the office;
- a statement of the terms of the officers, and the time and method of election;
- frequency of meetings;
- a statement of membership dues, including amount and frequency of payment and provision for disposition of any funds in the event of dissolution of the organization;
- provisions for club advisors and name of club advisors.
- Temporary Formation
Temporary formation will be given to organizations upon completion of the above stated regulations. The organization will be permitted to function for not more than one semester pending official charter approval. - Review and Approval
Three typewritten copies of the proposed constitution must be submitted to the Dean of Students for suggestions, recommendations and approval. In the event that recognition is withheld, appeal may be made to the Dean of Students. The President of the College will make the final approval decision. During the time that the application for recognition is being considered, or an appeal is being made, a group may not sponsor speakers or activities in the name of the proposed organization.
- After receiving the approval of the Dean of Students, the constitution must be submitted to the Student Government Association’s Executive Committee for approval.
- At the beginning of each semester, each organization must submit a current list of officers, advisors and active members to the Dean of Students.
- Any change or amendment affecting the nature or purpose of the organization as originally approved must also be approved by the Dean of Students. An up-to-date copy of the constitution must be on file in the Office of the Dean of Students.
Club Advisors: Eligibility and Role
- All student organizations must have one qualified club advisor. When the membership exceeds fifty, organizations are urged to obtain an additional faculty advisor.
- Any faculty member with at least one year of teaching experience at Trenholm College or any non-teaching member of the College staff whose position is comparable to that of a full-time faculty member may, with the approval of the Dean of Students, Academic Dean and President of the College, serve as an advisor to a student organization.
- The Dean of Students must approve any change in the club advisors. The Dean of Students will make every attempt to rotate club advisors to allow all interested persons to serve in that capacity. Rotation of advisors will come at the end of each semester when possible. Persons with special talents needed for a particular club will be given preference.
- A faculty member who agrees to serve as a club advisor accepts responsibility for encouraging the organization in its purpose and activities, within the limits of college policy and the goals and objectives of the organization as set forth in the statement of purpose and in the constitution. Advisors are responsible for being familiar with and operating within the following:
- Policy and other college regulations pertaining to the student organizations and speakers;
- The constitution and purpose of the student organization that they are advising;
- The activities and the service projects of the organizations;
- Meetings will not be authorized or recognized unless attended by the advisor or a substitute duly approved by the Dean of Students. The proceedings of meetings held with a substitute advisor must be reviewed by the advisor;
- Speakers and special programs sponsored by student organizations must have the formal approval of a club advisor and the Dean of Students, in accordance with the standards set forth by the College;
- Written requests for activities (other than normal meetings) must be made in writing to the Student Activities Assistant at least thirty (30) days prior to the event;
- A request for outside speakers must be made in writing a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the issuance of an invitation. (Forms are available in the Student Center on the Trenholm Campus in Building D).
Policies for Clubs and Organizations
Campus organizations shall be open to all students without respect to race, creed, national origin, sex or disability. All clubs and organizations must conform to the laws and policies of the State of Alabama, the State Board of Education, Trenholm State Community College and the Student Government Association (SGA). No club or organization shall interfere or support interference with the regular academic pursuit of any student. No club or organization shall cause or encourage non-attendance of classes or campus activities without prior consent of proper College officials. In addition, the clubs or organizations will not encourage any action that might cause disrepute to a student, instructor or college activity.
Procedure for Approval of College Activities
The following procedures are required to receive approval of activities other than on-campus regularly scheduled meetings:
- Submit a memo to the Dean of Students. A request to hold an activity must be made a minimum of thirty (30) working days prior to the proposed events. A request for off-campus speakers must be made a minimum of thirty (30) working days prior to the issuance of an invitation.
- Dean of Students will notify the approval or disapproval with reasons stated no later than twenty (20) working days prior to the proposed event or the issuance of an invitation.
- If the organization does not agree with the ruling of the Dean of Students, the organization may appeal the decision to the Dean of Students and President. The President of the College will issue the final decision.
Visiting Speaker Policy
The College has established the following procedures:
- An outside speaker (one who is not a registered member of the student body, faculty or staff of this College) may be invited to speak on campus only by a College recognized student, faculty organization, staff organization, or administrator.
- The officers of such an organization sponsoring an outside speaker shall assume full responsibility for making the necessary arrangements, paying all expenses and preserving the peace and dignity of participants in the scheduled event. Any esponsible officer who willfully violates this policy may become subject to appropriate disciplinary actions.
- Request forms for visiting speakers are available in the Student Activities Staff Assistant’s Office in Building D on the Trenholm Campus. Completed forms must be submitted to the Dean of Students for approval. If approved, notices and printed material pertaining to the speaker will include:
- The name of the sponsoring organization and shall not contain any implication that the speaker or event is sponsored by the College.
- Placed only in locations approved by the Dean of Students.
- Printed materials must be removed by the sponsoring organization within 24 hours following the scheduled event.
ACCS Board Policies 600: Personnel Policies and Chancellor’s Procedures
- 4.17.19 EXE Memo 600 Policies
- 12.10.20 EXE-105 Memo 2020 Policies
- 4.12.22 EXE-019 MEMO_2022 Policies
- 6.28.22 Technology Equipment Policy
- 6.28.22 SACSCOC – Substantive Change Notification Policy
- 5.4.22 Academic Calendar Policy
- Policy 223.01: Information Security (INFOSEC)
- Policy 224.01: Expressive Activities by the Campus Community
- Policy 605.02: Faculty Qualifications
- Policy 605.02: Faculty Credentials
- Policy 602.02: Posting and Hiring
- Policy 606.05: Supplements or Extra Duty Pay
- Policy 606.08: Emergency Shelter Duty and Pay Provision
- Policy 608.01: Instructor Load Hours
- Policy 610.01: Leaves with Pay
- Policy 610.02: Paid Absences Due to On-the-Job Injuries
- Policy 612.02: Tuition Assistance
- Policy 620.01: Employee Grievance
- Policy 620.02: Employee Complaints
- Chancellor’s Procedure — 223.01 INFOSEC
- Chancellor’s Procedure — 602.02 Posting and Hiring
- Chancellor’s Procedure — 608.01 Instructor Load and Hours
- Chancellor’s Procedure — 610.02 Absences Due to On-the-Job-Related Injuries
- Chancellor’s Procedure — 612.02 Tuition Assistance
ACCS Board Policies (Series 100 – 900)
For comprehensive details regarding Student Life and Student Organizations, we invite you to explore the Student Life section within the Student Handbook, accessible at https://catalog.trenholmstate.edu/student-life. This section provides valuable insights into various aspects, including:
• Procedures To Establish Student Organizations
• Student Elected and Appointed Positions
• Student Activities and Organizations
• Student Government Association (SGA)
• Ambassadors
• Social Functions
• Official Recognition of Campus Organizations
We encourage you to refer to this resource for a thorough understanding of the student experience and engagement opportunities available within our institution.